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Lexington Little League

Lexington Little League

Registration Listing

Spring 2025 Pre-Ball program

A Lexington tradition, The Warren Wilson pre-ball program is back! 

Sponsored and led by Lexington Little League, this program will teach the fundamentals of baseball with an emphasis on fun. Open to Lexington resident children ages 4 & 5. The only equipment you will need is a glove; the rest will be provided. Children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. The program is FREE, but pre-registration is required.

The program will run for 5 weeks from May 3 through June 7 (no activities Memorial Day Weekend), Saturday mornings 9:00am-9:45 am.
Rindge Park, 35 Rindge Ave, Lexington MA
Space is limited.

Pre-ball Program for Ages 4-5

Registration closes on 05/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 05/03/2025 to 06/07/2025

2025 Spring Softball

Lexington Little League Spring 2025 Softball Programs
Open to all Lexington residents or students attending a school in Lexington, K-8th grade. Softball starts with pre-season clinics beginning in March, and the season runs from late-April through late-June (aligned with the end of the school year).

** Register by 12/1 and receive a free Hooded Sweatshirt - A $45 value **

Softball Tee Ball ($195) – Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Played 2x per week - typically Mon 6:00 pm and Sat 1:30 pm

T-ball is a wonderful introduction to the game of softball, with the League’s emphasis on the FUN-damentals: hitting, throwing, catching, and making new friends. All kindergartners and 1st graders are eligible to play and will be placed, to the best of the League’s ability, on school-based teams. T-ball teams meet twice a week for roughly six weeks, with each practice/game lasting one hour.

Every effort will be made to assign school-based teams; however, in some cases, schools may be combined based on registration numbers. Placement on school-based teams is first-registered, first-placed, and late registrations are not guaranteed school-based placement.

Softball Minors ($295) – 2nd and 3rd Grades
Played 3x per week - typically games on Thu 6:00 pm and Sat 3:30 pm, practice Sun afternoon

The Softball Minors division is a developmental, non-drafted, non-tournament league with a continued focus on fundamentals. Registered 2nd and 3rd graders will be placed, to the best of the League’s ability, on school-based teams. The Minors season runs for approximately six weeks and concludes with a division-wide end-of-year celebration. Pre-season indoor clinics (for all Minors players) run for four weeks starting in March.

Teams play two games a week and have a Sunday practice. Sunday practice times are set at the start of the season and practices are run for all Minors teams together in a clinic format. Games run five innings or two hours—whichever comes first. Pitching in this league is combined coach-pitch with some player-pitch opportunities each game.

Every effort will be made to assign school-based teams; however, in some cases, schools may be combined based on registration numbers. Placement on school-based teams is first-registered, first-placed, and late registrations are not guaranteed school-based placement.

Softball Majors ($320) – 4th and 5th Grades
Played 3x per week - typically games on Wed 6:00 pm and Sat 3:30 pm, practice Sun afternoon

Softball Majors is a draft league that is intended to ensure fair and balanced teams across the division. The Majors season runs for approximately eight weeks, beginning in late-April. There are six weeks of regulation play plus a two-week championship tournament culminating with a championship game in June. Pre-season indoor team practices begin in March. Games run six innings or two hours—whichever comes first. By rule, pitching in this league is strictly player-pitch, with an effort made pre-season and during practices to develop the pitchers.

Softball Seniors ($320) – 6th, 7th, and 8th Grades
Played 3x per week - typically games on Fri 6:00 pm or 8:00 pm and Sun 4:30 pm, plus one practice

The Softball Seniors division is LLL’s middle school, in-town league and is therefore designed to complement middle school schedules, minimize conflicts with other activities, and maximize playing time for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who love softball! Pre-season indoor team practices begin in March. The Seniors schedule consists of eight weeks of largely in-town play. The season culminates with a two week championship tournament in June. League rules follow American Softball Association rules, consistent with middle school, tournament and similar leagues.

Tee Ball - K/1ST GR Softball

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/19/2025 to 06/21/2025
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Minors - 2ND/3RD GR Softball

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/19/2025 to 06/21/2025
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Seniors - 6/7/8TH Grade Softball

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/19/2025 to 06/21/2025
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2025 Spring Baseball

    Lexington Little League Spring Baseball Offerings

Early Bird Gift - Free Lexington Little League Baseball Sweatshirt - last day is 12/1



Your child is a Little League age:
5 if their birthday falls between 9/1/2019 - 8/31/2020
6 if their birthday falls between 9/1/2018- 8/31/2019
Rookie Ball is open to little league age 5 and 6 year olds These players will participate in a skills focused program that emphasizes fun. Games are organized to ensure that players develop baseball fundamentals. 
Teams meet twice a week for 90 minute sessions, including one week night and Saturday, beginning in late April. Each session will include a team practice and friendly 3-inning game. 
Team roster size varies year to year and is up to league discretion. Team formation is largely school-based, with most teams being comprised of 2 schools. You can request to be placed on the same team as a friend but this is not guaranteed. If you come off a waitlist there is NO guarantee we can place according to school or requests

Your child is a Little League age:
7 if their birthday falls between 9/1/2017- 8/31/2018
8 if their birthday falls between 9/1/2016- 8/31/2017
Single A is a great option for all 7 and 8 year olds.  
Teams meet twice a week (one Weekday game and 1 game on Saturday). Games are coach pitch, with a managed progression to including limited kid coach towards the end of the season. The season will take a tiered approach, allowing for player repetition to reinforce development and to develop new skills and progression through the course of the season.  
All games are 4-6 innings with a 90 minute time limit. Team roster size varies year to year and is up to league discretion. If you come off a waitlist there is NO guarantee we can place according to school or requests

Your child is a Little League age:
9 if their birthday falls between 9/1/2015 - 8/31/2016
AA is our primary program for 9 year olds. The purpose of this league is to be more competitive than A, while continuing to focus on development. In this division the League introduces kid pitch (2-4 innings each game). There are umpires, standings and scores will be kept.
The AA season consists of 10-12 games followed by a playoff tournament culminating in a championship game in mid-late June. Games take place 2x/week with 1 team practice.
Team roster size varies year to year and is up to league discretion. Team formation is draft based. Completed registration and attendance at a ratings session is required.

Your child is a Little League age:
10 if their birthday falls between 9/1/2014- 8/31/2015
11 if their birthday falls between 9/1/2013- 8/31/2014
12 if their birthday falls between 9/1/2012 - 8/31/2013
AAA and Majors are Lexington Little League's most competitive divisions. 
·     All 10 year old will be placed on a AAA team. 
·     11 year old players are eligible for either division, pending their player evaluation and feedback from prior coaches.
·     All 12 year old players will be placed on a Majors team. 
The Majors teams will be drafted first, and any 11 year old player who is not selected to a Majors team will automatically be placed on an AAA team.
The AAA season consists of 10-12 games followed by a playoff tournament culminating in a championship game in mid-late June. Games take place 2x/week, one weeknight and one weekend game, along with 1 team practice. Team roster size is no more than 12 players per team. 
The Majors season consists of 10-12 games followed by a playoff tournament culminating in a championship game series in mid-late June. Games are held 2x/week, Monday-Friday with 1 team practice. Team roster size is no more than 12 players per team.


Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/19/2025 to 06/21/2025
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Single A

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/21/2025
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Lexington Massachusetts Little League
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420

Email: [email protected]

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